One question that I get, in various forms, is what is the relationship between Agile and the Product Operating Model? Are they the same thing? Is the product model simply the evolution of Agile? Is one a component of the...
If you’ve been following the news recently, you probably saw that one of the large financial companies in the US made the unusual decision to eliminate their entire Agile job family (1100 people). I don’t have any inside information on...
Recently I published an article Revenge of the PMO that argues against a particular framework for agile at scale known as SAFe. This was a bit unusual for me in that I normally don’t like to write much about process...
I have been working exclusively with technology product teams now for a full 35 years, and I’ve seen countless processes, methodologies and techniques come and go. In large part that’s the nature of the beast. People are always searching for...
I should have written this article many years ago. Starting around 2004 and 2005 I began seeing an increasing number of teams moving to Agile, and of course the first thing they needed was training and often some coaching. However,...
UPDATE: Starting with the publication of INSPIRED V2, I stopped using the term “Dual-track Agile” because the phrase made people focus far too much on process, and not enough on the principles. I wrote why this is the case here. ...
Recently I spoke with a team of very frustrated Scrum engineers. They were frustrated because they felt like all they were doing for the past year was chasing features and that the product manager really had no clue where they...
Many software product teams are either currently experimenting with Agile methods, or have recently moved. I have written elsewhere about the benefits of Agile methods, including Scrum and XP, but I wanted to highlight here the keys for product management...
If your engineering team hasn’t already moved to some form of Agile methods (like Scrum or XP), then it’s likely they’re at least considering it. Agile really does attack some key problems that have plagued software teams for decades. But...
Many product development organizations have been experimenting with what has become known as “Agile Software Development” methods, the most popular of which at the time of this writing is known as “Extreme Programming” (XP) but there are several others including...
In my last article I discussed an anti-pattern where companies embarking on a transformation to the product model make the mistake of trying to run that transformation like a large project, instead of employing the product model to move to...
By Marty Cagan and Chris Jones Taking The Product Model Beyond Product Organizations Since the new book TRANSFORMED launched three months ago, we have been both thrilled and humbled to see the book spread, primarily through word of mouth, to...
Christian Idiodi delivers a keynote at La Product Conf 2024 sharing the keys to a successful digital transformation: adopting a results-oriented culture, reacting agilely to changes, forming autonomous teams, prioritizing strategic objectives, and providing clear leadership.
Marty Cagan joins Ryan Glascow on People Driven Products to define the true meaning of “agility” and how empowered product teams can work together to deliver innovative solutions to customer problems.
Chris Jones joins Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson on the No Nonsense Agile Podcast to talk about the product operating model and the importance of cross-functional product teams.