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Product Marketing Martina Lauchengco

Strategic Marketing of Tech Products

Martina Lauchengco joins George Brooks on the People of Product podcast to discuss how building a great product is only half the battle. Strong product marketing helps direct how the product gets to market and tells a compelling story about why people need it now.


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Product Operating Model Christian Idiodi

Telling the Story of Transformation

Christian Idodi joins Andrew Skotzko on the Make Things That Matter podcast to discuss the role of storytelling as inspiration in product transformations.


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Product Culture Marty Cagan

That Product Expert – Marty Cagan

Marty joins DigiPod host Dipesh Joshi to discuss why coaching is so important in an empowered product organization, his thoughts on OKR's, what values make up a good product person, and much more!


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Product Operating Model Chris Jones

The Concept of the Product Operating Model

Chris Jones joins Benjamin Igna on Stellar Work to describe the concept of the product operating model, and how it helps companies align with modern product practices.


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Product Culture Marty Cagan

The Empowered Organization with Marty Cagan

Marty Cagan joins host Sander Dur, on the Mastering Agility podcast, to discuss how having teams and people in the right place, empowered to make the decisions instead of blindly following the traditional hierarchy, leads to the best product innovation.


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Product Marketing Martina Lauchengco

The Power of Great Product Marketing

Martina Lauchengco joins hosts Christian Strunk and Alex Dapunt on the Product Bakery podcast to talk about the power of product marketing, the role of a Product Marketing Manager, and how companies can improve their processes to be more "product-marketing-driven."


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Product Management Marty Cagan

The Real Definition of a Product Manager

Marty Cagan joins hosts Anna Eaglin and Christian Beck on the Better Product podcast to explain the role of product managers and collaborative product teams in empowered product organizations.


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Product Operating Model Chris Jones

Transforming to the Product Model

Chris Jones joins Murray Robinson and Shane Gibson on the No Nonsense Agile Podcast to talk about the product operating model and the importance of cross-functional product teams.


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Product Culture Marty Cagan

Why Empowered Teams Make the Best Products

Marty Cagan joins EntreLeadership Podcast host George Kamel to discuss how product leaders can support a product culture that empowers their teams to solve customer problems on their own.


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